Articles: 2019
As mall landlords look to transform traditional shopping centres into "living centres", there has been a rapid-fire expansion in the number of entertainment and lifestyle venues leasing out space once earmarked for department stores and fashion outlets.
Landlords see this shift in tenant mix as a way to not only internet-proof their centres [...]
New Kingpin in Canberra is the 50th venue opened by the family entertainment centre operator this year with plans for 50 more in 2020
The Entertainment and Education Group (āTEEGā), the largest operator of Family Entertainment Centre venues in the Asia Pacific region has opened its 300th venue, a Kingpin, at the Civic shopping [...]
Timezone, an FEC chain from The Entertainment and Education Group (TEEG), recently refurbished its 75th venue this year, according to the company. Timezone Charlestown in New South Wales, Australia, was given the latest brand-new look, which included a new arcade offering.
āAs a business, we are obsessed with the guest experience, and we [...]
The 36th Timezone in India opened at the end of September in Nagpur at the Trillium Mall and was an instant hit with the locals. It has 9,000sq.ft of entertainment.
Four more Timezones are in the works and should be open before the end of the year. Like most of its fellows, the Nagpur Timezone has bowling, virtual reality, bumper cars and [...]
The largest Timezone venue in the Philippines has opened at the new Ayala Mall, Manila Bay, ParaƱaque City. Timezoneās Play āNā Learn is a fun-filled playground for active children and will open next door to create an all-encompassing family destination.
There is a total of 2,300sq.m of the latest games and attractions, including a billiards [...]
Having successfully launched seven venues in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoiās high profile shopping malls, such as Aeon Mall Tan Phu, Estella Place and Vincom Centre Metropolis, the brand is looking forward to opening the doors in the Aeon Mall Ha Dong in November.
This biggest Timezone venue thus far in Vietnam, the location promises to have [...]
Timezoneās arrival in Vietnam has signaled a revolution in the indoor entertainment industry with its best-in-class store design, high-tech international games, friendly Timezone Fun Squad and a whole new positioning of family entertainment centres.
Timezone delivers a unique experience of play through its first-in-market Tap āNā Play Powercards. [...]
In recognition of guestsā desire for cutting-edge games and memorable, exciting entertainment, Timezone has been bringing its new concept of the modern Family Entertainment Centre across Asia Pacific. The Timezone Charlestown in New South Wales, Australia is the 75th venue to be refurbished and repositioned with a brand-new look, games and total [...]